February is associated with romance. A lot of the readings I’ve been doing this month are on the subject of love and relationships so I asked the Tarot for insight into romantic relationships and she gave me a nice general guide

Eight of Wands ~
There is a rush at the beginning of a relationship. It’s the energy of novelty and the excitement of connection. This feels amazing. It feels alive and it is very easy to get carried away in the flow. The energy is focused and you are moving together. That focus blinds you to each other’s faults and you tend to overlook the parts that aren’t working because you’re so caught up in what is. Eventually those wands are going to hit the ground and the energy will be spent. You will come down off that high. You will be two flawed humans who now have to deal with each other as you really are.

The Star ~
In relationships that progress past the initial rush, and survive the inevitable impact with reality, there is the moment where you see each other as you really are. You progress to a deeper, more meaningful connection and union when you get to this phase and lovingly accept the other. There is no hiding. Here there is real love. There is compassion for yourself and the other and there is understanding and hope for the future.

Two of Pentacles ~
Loving someone, and being loved, flaws and all, requires effort. Over time we may find we can’t do this with the person we are with and we separate from them. Or we discover that we can’t imagine life without this marvelously irritating person and we make it work. We balance our needs with theirs. We take the good with the bad and together you find the sweet spot because you have found someone worth going through the struggle with.