Spring is here in the Hudson Valley and little plants are poking up through the soil. The grass in my yard is slowly greening. There is a fresh-start feeling to springtime and an urge to start something new. I’ve been feeling it myself so I pulled a few cards for insight.

The Hermit ~ How do you know where to begin without some study and introspection? What needs to be refreshed or renewed in your life? What new endeavor should you pursue? The Hermit says to get quiet with yourself and get clear about who you are and who you want to be. Then you can decide what is best for you to do next. Take some time and ask yourself where you want to be, and who you want to be in six months; in a year. Compare that to where and who you are now. What steps, in which direction, do you need to take, to get from here to there?

Nine of Cups ~ There is so much good in your life right now. Take a moment to appreciate all that is working for and pleasing to you. So much of your life is good. We tend to forget about the parts or our lives that aren’t causing us trouble because they generally don’t require a lot of attention. Take a good look at your current situation and list all the things you can be grateful for. As we move through changes to improve our lives it’s important to express gratitude for the life we already have. When you know what is good and functional in your life, you can build on that and better see what is not working and how to improve it.

The Tower ~ Change can be messy. Big changes can bring big messes. This can be discouraging, but understand, it is all part of the growth process. Sometimes, to create something new, you have to destroy something old. To have what you’ve never had, you have to do what you’ve never done. This can mean breaking old habits and that’s uncomfortable. A big goal requires a big change and change can be destructive as well as disruptive. The Tower is here to remind you that that is how it goes sometimes and it’s not a sign that things are going wrong. It’s a sign that change is happening.

Page of Wands ~ Be brave. Change is scary. New beginnings are scary. Doing something you’ve never done before is unsettling. You’ve got this. Having the courage to change or to try something new is just the beginning. If you want it you will have to find that place in you that won’t take ‘No’ for an answer, and go get it. Be creative in your approach and in how you manage setbacks. Just because one avenue closed doesn’t mean there aren’t other ways to approach your challenge. Remember this is your adventure.