I frequently find myself empathizing with those who come to me for a reading. They are dealing with a confusing situation or making a painful decision and they don’t want to do it alone. These people want help and I want to help them. Frequently we work together with the cards and they leave with a plan, a better handle on their situation, or at least an understanding of what is going on. What happens occasionally is that they want more than support and help. They want things that tarot and I can’t give them.

The tarot won’t make your decisions for you. It will answer the questions you ask and even if that question is “What is the best decision for me?” the actual decision making will still be yours. As I said in my last post, a tarot reading is information. What you do with that information is up to you. You are free to reject the advice you receive from the cards and make a completely different decision.

The tarot won’t make excuses for your behavior. This one doesn’t come up often but it’s happened enough that I feel the need to mention it. We each see the world through our own perspective and we understand our motives for the things we do, or at least what we tell ourselves our motives are. The tarot is more objective and more literal than that. It will point out where you are kidding yourself. When your actions have consequences you didn’t intend, or more likely, you didn’t think about what the possible consequences could be, tarot will not let you off the hook. The tarot is neutral. It’s not interested in punishing you but it’s not here to give you absolution either. That’s what clergy is for. Better yet, seek out the person who suffered because of your actions, apologize, and if possible, make amends.

The tarot won’t give you permission. We spend so much of our lives having to appeal to an authority for permission to do things, that we get into the habit of thinking we need permission for everything. At some point you need to own your life and realize that you are the authority in your life. If you want to do something, and are willing to own the consequences of doing that thing, then go do it. You’re an adult. That’s what responsible adults do. I know it’s a hard habit to break especially if a lot of your life is structured so someone has authority over you, like a boss for instance. Your personal life is yours. You may have a life partner with whom you compromise about things, but in the end, you are responsible for your life and what becomes of it. Not anyone else. So there is no one whose permission you need, to be and do what you believe is right for you to be and do, except you.
So, yes, come get a reading. Gather information to help you make decisions about your life. Find an understanding of the situation you may not have considered. Have the courage to face the results of your actions and behaviors. Leave empowered to do what is most helpful for you.