About Me


Hi, I’m Ellen-Mary. I use tarot cards, and other means, mundane and magical, to help people get clear about what they want, where they are headed, and what to do about it.

I started reading cards in the 80s when I was in high school. My friends started asking for readings so I practiced on them. The more I read the more I loved the whole process. It felt like I was tapping into something that had a broader, wider view of the world and was sharing that vision with me and whoever I was reading for.

Over time I branched out into other practices. Talismans, and sigils worked into art pieces, give clients a ‘touchstone’ of focused energy. The subtle energies of these pieces work in harmony with the clients desires, helping them achieve their goals. For me, making these items is epic. When there is a clear transmission of desire and I can mold that into a beautiful piece that feeds and supports that desire to help someone realize their life at the next level, well damn. Yes, please. That is magic.

Most of my clients get a reading every few months and leave with a clearer idea of where they are headed. A few prefer to go deeper on one issue and really work it out over a length of time, be it a few weeks or a few months. Helping someone dig deep and unearth a blockage, or develop better habits, or create a game plan for themselves to have what it is they want, is wonderful.

I’ve been doing this professionally since 2008 and it just gets better and better. I have friends who are clients, clients who have become friends, and the very best is when they tell their friends to come talk to me. I’ve read for social workers, teachers, fitness professionals, politicians, chefs, entrepreneurs, landscape designers, construction managers, school principals, nurses, doctors, and on it goes. They have trusted me to help them find the answers they know are there and create strategies to make their lives better. It’s been an honor to be part of their process and it would be an honor to be part of yours too.

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