January is just about over. How’s your progress on those goals you made for the new year?
I pulled a few cards to get Tarot’s perspective on what it
takes to achieve your goals and here is what she said.

King of Pentacles:
He is steady, reliable, and follows through on promises.
Competent and committed, he creates stability. Goals don’t achieve themselves.
They require your commitment and follow through to go from just being a good
idea to being a reality. Say what you mean and mean what you say. If you
promise yourself you will do a particular thing then actually do it. This card
also speaks to stewardship and conscientious maintenance. Don’t lose sight of how
far you’ve come already and do what you need to to maintain that progress.

Knight of Wands:
This knight is confident and daring. He is willing to try a
thing to see what happens. He rises to whatever challenge comes at him and puts
his fear aside in favor of new experiences. This energy is a good balance to
the King of Pentacles. Where he is steady this knight is more reckless.
Together these two make a good advisory team. Somewhere between the two
extremes is a good place to land on most things.
“Be bold but venture to be wise” ~ Horace

Ace of Pentacles:
Embrace new opportunities. As you move toward your goal old
issues will fall away and new opportunities will present themselves. Don’t shy
away from them immediately. Take a bold, wise look at the new things that pop
up and see if they are in line with where you are going. The you that started
this goal journey is not the same you now. You have grown and changed and so
the challenges and good fortune that cross your path will be new and more
suited to the new you.

The Fool
Trust the flow. With each challenge you overcome on your way
to your goal you level up and are a beginner again. You are beginning at a
higher level. You haven’t been here before so you need to trust the process.
When you first started at the level you just completed, you didn’t know what
you know now. But you learned it as you needed to know it and here you are.
This will happen again and again with each new level. Step forward into the
unknown. You can do this.