Sep 242018

I had an interesting conversation with Theresa Reed, The Tarot Lady, about the latest wave of nonsense claiming the fall of fortune telling and divination. It’s a claim that’s been made by various people over the years. Usually they are trying to sell you their new and improved way of doing things and feel they can’t do that without downplaying and diminishing the traditional ways. Aside from being incorrect, it’s a scarcity minded place to operate from. My beliefs and practices are firmly rooted in abundance. There are lots of right ways to do this work.

I know that as long as there have been thinking humans on the planet there has been divination. I know that every tribe and culture throughout our existence has had some form of communicating with the divine and getting answers by reading the symbols either of specific tools or in the world around them. I know that as humans evolved and became more sophisticated their tools for divination did too. I also know that the old ways still work and work well. Have you ever just asked for a sign? And then received one?

When I read for my clients I start by having them throw stones. We discuss what I can see in the stones, how that lines up with their lives, and the predictions the stones are making about the next few months. Then we dig deeper into specifics by pulling cards. We take a look into the future because we can. Because my clients know it is better to have more information about what is coming to make better decisions about what to do next. When I do this work I’m standing in a flow that has been used for millennia to help us guide ourselves forward. It is probability and possibility and life energy. Most of the readers I know and recommend work in similar ways and look into the future because that’s what people want from us. But I get that it’s not everyone’s cup of tea.

A reader, whose books I have read, whose work I admire, and in front of whom I made a fangirl fool of myself when I met her, prefers to take a more psychological approach with her readings and her clients. I have a dear friend who explores the Akashic records with her clients. Another good friend only focuses on past lives. There is room for all these different practices and it is not necessary to disrespect another type of work because it is a different focus than your own. And there is no way that a practice that has been around as long as there has been language, is going away because someone found a new twist for a familiar tool.

(Art work: The Fortune Teller by Jehan Georges Vibert)

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Sep 172018


Why do some people just get on your very last nerve? There is either something about them personally or something they do that drives you nuts. And they seem to be everywhere. It almost seems as if the Universe has decided to torment you and has sprinkled these people all over your life.

But is that what is actually going on?

There are people who place no value on things you know are important. People who get fixated on things you know are trivial and they won’t let them go. There’s that co-worker who complains constantly or the one who is so perky you want to slap her. Everyone has habits and personality quirks that get on someone’s nerves. Yet, at the same time, those irritating people have family and friends who love them. How can that be? What is at the heart of this phenomenon?

Well, it’s you.

Whose last nerve is feeling worked on? Who is irritated? Whose values feel threatened? Yours.

Carl Jung said, “Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding about ourselves.” This is what he was talking about.

When the perky co-worker comes by, teases you about having a case of the Mondays, and you get annoyed, you have just learned something about yourself. She is being herself, in her own way, and that bothers you. This is actually a useful thing. It is information you can use to understand yourself better.

The goal here is not for you to work through this and like everyone. That’s not realistic and not going to happen. But we can peacefully coexist with irritating people if we can own our own shit. Your reaction to people is yours. It exists because of who you are, what you believe, what you value, and dozens of other factors that make up the unique individual that is you. So when Perky Coworker comes along being her perky self and you feel irritated ask yourself why. Why does this bother me? What does this reaction tell me about myself? And see where the answers take you.

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Sep 102018


As long as there have been people there has been divination. Our ancient ancestors understood, better than we do, that we are connected to everything around us and the life energy of the Universe flows through all of it. They would seek advice, comfort, and consultation from the Universe and look for the answers in the patterns of life around them…and find it.

Eventually civilizations developed and, in each, systems of communicating with the Universe became more structured and codified. Decades and centuries of experience informed each practice. Charts and signs and symbols were all given meaning and translated into usable information for those seeking answers. Tarot is one of those systems and reading it is a centuries old practice. Like all the other systems, when well practiced, it’s good but it isn’t perfect.

It isn’t perfect because we aren’t perfect and because we aren’t supposed to know everything that is going to happen in detail.

A tarot reading, like other forms of divination, will give you guidance. It will give you data you can use to make decisions. Often what you find in a reading is validation for what you already thought you knew. The cards can show you the missing bits of the story, or point out the parts you are refusing to look at. They will even give you a slap upside the head when you refuse to do the work you need to do or see what’s right in front of your face. A reading can provide comfort and it can also make you uncomfortable. The cards will push against your resistance. They will speak to you of your self-imposed limitations and, if you ask, will give guidance to overcome those. Tarot is an excellent tool for introspection. It helps you dig deep into yourself and to understand your behaviors. In ritual it can be used as a communication device with the Divine. In magic it can be used as a focus for manipulating energies. In everyday life it can be used to help you better prepare for living your normal existence.

Tarot can’t help you win the lottery. The lottery is too random. It’s like using the cards to predict a lightning strike. We have all tried to win the lottery at least once and it just doesn’t work that way. Sorry. The cards can’t give you permission to do anything. When you ask questions like ‘should I…’ or ‘can I…’ you are asking for permission and you won’t get it. Most of the time the permission you need needs to come from within. The cards might tell you that but they won’t make your decisions for you. Ask the right questions and you will get the support and information you need. Ask the wrong things and you will have it all turned back on you or get a reading we readers loving refer to as mud.

Approach tarot in particular, and divination in general, as a responsible adult. Ask the question you really want answered and you will gain insights into your life, your world and your path. And if you don’t like what you hear you can ignore it all.


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Sep 042018


I sent out a newsletter which included an aromatherapy blend. I didn’t think much of it. I like that blend myself and thought I’d share. The response I got was not what I expected. Apparently it’s become rare for someone to share aromatherapy blends, ideas, recipes, without also trying to sell essential oils. I don’t sell essential oils. I’m not interested in selling essential oils. I find sales pitches that masquerade as friendly advice to be a huge turnoff. It’s a surefire way to lose my trust. That’s not at all what my aromatherapy posts are about. I really like essential oils and use them all the time and have done so for over thirty years. If I share something with you it’s because I like it and thought you might too.

My oldest child is thirty. When I was pregnant with her I had an issue and my nurse midwife suggested Lavender EO. I didn’t know her very well and didn’t know what she was talking about so I did what I always do when I want to learn something: I went looking for some books on the subject. What I found was a health food store with some seriously knowledgeable staff and some so so books. I bought Lavender oil and Tea Tree oil and for years that was all I had. I used them on myself and my little baby and her brother who came along a few years later. I made my own baby wipes that had essential oils in them and they helped prevent diaper rash. As time went on I found better books and learned a lot more. I used a few drops of Eucalyptus EO in the humidifier when they were congested. I cleaned my house with Pine Needle essential oil and borax because it was safer for little lungs than the chemicals in most commercial cleaners. I put cotton balls with Peppermint oil on them in places to discourage mice. As I learned about more and different oils my collection grew and my usage expanded.

At some point, I want to say it was in the early nineties but it may have been more like 1995 or 96, I interacted with someone who was selling essential oils the way my mother’s friends sold Tupperware. It was weird. I was part of an email list of moms who were all there to help each other out and this person seemed friendly. Then the friendly helpful stuff became a sales pitch and that was it for me.

I don’t begrudge anyone a living and I get that sometimes the best way to be there for your family and still work is to join a multi-level marketing company. It was just so contrary to my personal experience with aromatherapy that I was not okay with most of what that particular company was doing. Those ladies were tenacious. I don’t know what they taught in their sales meetings but it got to where the moderators of several email lists had to forbid the topic altogether. That was pretty much the end of hearing from that company for me.

A few years ago another such company popped up. I was only peripherally aware of them. I spent all of a half hour on their website. I checked their vetting and their prices and was done with them too. The world of social media now is so different from my early mommy years and I have so much more control over who and what I let into my space. This new breed of MLM essential oil people were never really a thing in my world. So, imagine my surprise when someone thought I was one of them.

No, I am not selling essential oils. No, I don’t want to sell essential oils.

I love them.

I use them all the time.

I will not stop talking about them because I find them useful, and helpful. I don’t buy from the MLM companies because I have my favorite brands, I trust them and feel no need to switch.

What I post is based on my personal experience and I’m sharing it with you because it’s either helped me or made me happy and I think it might do the same for you.

No strings attached.

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